Welcome to Vernon Hills Animal Hospital

Vernon Hills Animal Hospital is a Mundelein veterinary clinic. To visit the vet office please give them a call 847-367-4070 and request an appointment, or use the map below to make a visit in person.

1260 S Butterfield Rd
Mundelein, IL 60060
Phone: 847-367-4070
Fax: 847-367-0374

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Average Rating for : 5 (1 reviews)

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Average Rating: 5 (1 reviews)


As a partner at Vernon Hills Animal Hospital, I need to comment that the numbers you have for every animal hospital listed on your web site are way off (both # of staff members and income). Besides, how are these numbers relevant to your customers? Our web site is VHAH.com. Please visit our site and Facebook page, or call us for any information. Thanks!
-Molly M.

Rating: 5

Below are directions to Vernon Hills Animal Hospital, please call 847-367-4070 for specific directions or to make an appointment.